So I turn 30 in a few months.... yes, yes..all jokes can be directed to me this year... and I've set myself a target on being in the best health that I've ever been. Changed eating habits. More working out... I'm already seeing results. Pants are loose, tummy is flatter, cheeks and chins have disappeared ... Last year during my mono battle I was so determined to get healthy and into amazing shape but was defeated by the sleeping needs and low energy. Now that I'm fully recovered (thanks to vitamin B and a lot of sleep) both Lee and I are health and fitness crazy.... minus the Diary Milk bar we just shared! shhh dont tell! Lee is training to do a duathalon and then hopefully the London Marathon. I am just a training competitions for me (yet). So yesterday we went for the longest run I've done since my collegiate rowing days. 40 minutes (i know it's not that long) around New Malden and Coombe.. up and down mega hills, thru parks, under the A3, and around many neighborhoods. (mind you, Lee is 6'4" and has a stride like a deer... so my little legs were working twice as hard to keep up!) The running part was fine. The breathing part was fine. The blisters from breaking in new shoes by walking around London were not so fine. My feet... oh the sight of them....have been 1 week in healing and will need a lot more time for the skin to replace itself. gross. 3 months to go... you'll see. I'll be a new me.

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